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YG751 type Constant temperature and humidity test chamber
YG751 type Constant temperature and humidity test chamber

YG751 Constant temperature and humidity box
YG751 Constant temperature and humidity box for all kinds of textiles materials, sample temperature and humidity balance in advance of experiments senior stainless steel liner material selection;. Insulation material selection of fine glass cotton insulation, polyurethane simple LED display operation, and . with no stainless steel sample holder temperature and humidity control system used in Korea great circle; use the original "Hitachi" compressor cooling system and wind cooling.
Main Technical Data Studio Size (mm): 500 × 600 × 750 Temperature range: + 5 ℃ ~ 80 ℃ Humidity range: 30% ~ 98% RH Resolution: Temperature ≤0.1 ℃; relative humidity temperature tolerance ≤0.1%. difference: ± 4 ℃ relative humidity tolerance: ± 4% RH measurement Uncertainty: The temperature does not exceed 3 ℃, relative humidity less than heating and cooling rate: temperature 3 ~ 5 ℃ / min, cooling ≥1 ℃ / min (average) Power: 220V Size:. 1900 × 1030 × 1100 weight: 250KG
Standard: GB / T6529-2008 textiles conditioning and testing using standard atmosphere
