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Test instrument level combustion apparatus QY328B type Auto interior material combustion tester
Test instrument level combustion apparatus QY328B type Auto interior material combustion tester

QY328B Auto interior materials combustion tester
Application range:
Used to identify cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and buses trim levels combustion of materials properties.
Standards compliant:
GB 8410-2006 "combustion characteristics of automotive interior materials."
Main Specifications:
1, Bunsen burner Specifications: nozzle inner diameter of 9.5mm, flame height 38mm.
2, the sample holder: U type specimen holder clamping thickness greater than 13mm.
3, Shi Yan time infinitely adjustable.
4, after the completion of a Bunsen burner flame is applied automatically extinguished.
5, the figures show sample burning time.
Features: High degree of automation
