
Popular searches: YG028 Computer type Electronic universal testing machine
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QY326 type Fabric antiwear testing machine
QY326 type Fabric antiwear testing machine

QY328B Auto interior materials combustion tester
Application range:
Used to identify cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks and buses trim levels combustion of materials properties.
Standards compliant:
GB 8410-2006 "combustion characteristics of automotive interior materials."
Main Specifications:
1, Bunsen burner Specifications: nozzle inner diameter of 9.5mm, flame height 38mm.
2, the sample holder: U type specimen holder clamping thickness greater than 13mm.
3, Shi Yan time infinitely adjustable.
4, after the completion of a Bunsen burner flame is applied automatically extinguished.
5, the figures show sample burning time.
Features: High degree of automation
