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YG991-5 Type six foot tester
YG991-5 Type six foot tester

YG991-5 Type six foot tester

Product use:
The instrument is evaluation of textile carpet special test instrument appearance quality of persistence.
Accord with a standard, ISO/IB 9405, BS 6659, BS EN 1471, BS, ISO 10361
The main parameters:
Six foot drum
Six hold sufficient body:
1.3800 + / - 100 g
2. The foot boots Diameter: 40 mm
3. The shoes height: 15 mm
1. Diameter: 305 + / - 1 mm
2. Effective depth: 200 + / - 1 mm
Drum speed: 35 + 2 r/min
Rotate the reversing time: 15 min
Turn the way: electric
Motor models: WPA40 15:1 -- Ⅱ type
Installation dimensions: 750 * 430 * 450 mm
