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YG991-4 Carpet flame retardant tester
YG991-4 Carpet flame retardant tester

YG991-4 Carpet flame retardant tester

    Carpet carpet flame retardant tester for detecting flame resistance and heat shrinkage.

Performance in line: ISO6925; BS4790; BS6307.

YG991-4 Carpet flame retardant tester detected by the sample box is equipped to balance security doors, mirrors, stainless steel nuts and detection template components. Comes with oven, stainless steel nuts can be heated to 1050 degrees (or with burning pills). Test data detection using the detection template burning time, ignition and extinguished radius radius.

Main Technical Data

1. Weight: 30kg

2. pills combustion point temperature: 1080 degrees

3.Outline size: 900 * 450 * 900mm
