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Grammage sampler
Grammage sampler

A, use:

The instrument is suitable for intercepting circular sample a variety of textile, knitting, plastic, paper and leather materials.

B, principle structure

Instruments mainly by hand wheel, rotor, locating washer, pressure seat, briquetting, springs and blades and other components. The blade is mounted on the outer circumference of the rotor, equipped with six on ZB01A type, ZB01B type equipped with four. In operation, the sample taken to be placed in a rubber work surface, then the instrument is placed on the sample, hold the press seat with one hand, the other hand rotary handwheel, the rotor rotates, and the rotation the blade will intercept the circular specimen.

The instrument aluminum alloy casting lots.

C, Main Technical Data

1, taken round specimens Area: 10000mm2

2, the hand wheel Diameter: Φ80mm

3, Outline size (Diameter × height): Φ156 × 112mm,

D, applicable standards

1, GB / T4669-95 "Machine Fabric Area unit mass per unit length and quality of measurement"
