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DPW-30DC36 DC Driving Wheel
DPW-30DC36 DC Driving Wheel

DPW-30DC36 DC traction Driving Wheel

Purpose and Scope

DP-30DC36 Driving Wheel is a multifunctional device for driving the power, transmission and running gear integrated in one, compact structure, easy to install. Mainly applied by the battery-powered electric forklifts, sweeping cars, vans, tractors, stacking cars and electric cars. Widely applicable, it is safe and reliable generation of environmentally friendly products. It can walk properly in the following environmental conditions.

1 is not more than 1200 meters above sea level

2 Ambient temperature -25 ℃ ~ 40 ℃

3 100% relative humidity

4 suitable for use with relatively flat cement road, asphalt, pavement walking on the tiles, and can adapt to the general slope and withstand handling vehicles in normal driving vibration and shock.

Main Technical Data

A maximum speed 6km / H (no-load)

2 traction motor power 1.5Kw Voltage 36V 62A Insulation grade F.

3 Driving Wheel Diameter φ300mm wheel width 100mm

4 Driving Wheel maximum output torque of 140 N · m

5 Spring-applied electromagnetic safety brake. According to customer needs, matching other brake.

6 ≤80 decibel noise maximum operating speed (unloaded)

7 Volume: 336 × 300 × 310 (L × W × H)

8 Total Weight: 50Kg
