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Test equipment YG992-4 type Geotextile Aperture tester
Test equipment YG992-4 type Geotextile Aperture tester

Geotextile measured aperture.
Performance in accordance with:
GB / T14799-2005 Geotextile effective aperture and related products - Determination of dry sieving.
Test methods:
Before the test, take a finer particle size of the particulate material standard 50g. Sprinkle the surface of the specimen. Start the machine shaker sample 10min. Said the quality of the sample by standard particulate material, and recorded. Then replace the sample, directed to obtain at least three consecutive grading sieve rate of particulate material, and a screening rate of a group of less than 5%.
Main Technical Data:
1, sieve Diameter Diameter of sieve 200mm
2, the standard particles (mm): 0.045 ~ 0.063 (400m); 0.063 ~ 0.071 (320m),
0.071 ~ 0.090 (240m); 0.090 ~ 0.125 (180m),
0.125 ~ 0.180 (120m); 0.180 ~ 0.250 (80m),
0.250 ~ 0.280 (60m); 0.280 ~ 0.355 (46m),
0.355 ~ 0.500 (36m); 0.500 ~ 0.710 (24m)
3, shaking frequency Shake times 220 times / min 220n / min
4, rapping frequency Vibrate times 150 beats / min 150n / min; amplitude: 10mm
5. Return semidiameter 12mm radius of gyration
6, the whole noise Noise 8dB (A)
7. Power Efficiency 0.37KW
8, Outline size Outline size L550 * W380 * H735mm
9, Weight Weight 107kg
