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YG114 electronic evenness length measuring machine
YG114 electronic evenness length measuring machine

A, use
The instrument used to shake cotton, wool, silk sliver and roving into a certain length, to prepare test their uniformity.
B, principle structure
The instrument is composed of a certain length measuring wheel circumference by rotating electrical control unit controls the number of turns length measuring wheel, length measurement rotation circle of 0.5m, length measuring wheel speed signal processing realized by optocouplers, length preset by three just dial switch implementation.
Instrument by the gearbox, length measuring wheel, the pressure roller and electrical parts.
C, the main technical indicators
1. Measuring wheel circumference: 0.5m
2. Measuring wheel width: 430mm
3, line length measuring wheel rotation speed: a 50m / min.
b. 5m / min
4, the first few samples:. A roving to a head
b. tampon as two heads
5, the length of the preset: 1 ~ 999m
6, the length of the display: 0.1 ~ 999.9m
7, Transmission: single motor drives
8, Power: AC220V
9, Size: 700 * 350 * 300mm
10, Weight: 45kg
D, applicable standards
Each mill custom corporate standards
