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YG201D type electronic Yarn moisture meter
YG201D type electronic Yarn moisture meter

YG201D type temperature, measuring humidity, the digital display integrated Multi-purpose yarn moisture tester Moisture Meter is a fast, measurable cotton yarn cheese, blended cheese and regain relevant Chemical fiber lines.
This instrument is a resistance method Moisture Meter, the sample resistance ranges: 3.8 × 104Ω ~ 2 × 1012Ω.
The instrument is compact, stable performance, wide range of measuring humidity.
Main Technical Data
Conditions of Use
² ambient temperature: 5 ℃ ~ 35 ℃.
² Relative humidity: Use the "2-4" file is not more than 65%, use the "4-11" file not more than 85%.
Measuring voltage: DC 100V ± 2V.
Display accuracy: Temperature ℃ Humidity
Measuring range:
² regain range and error
