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YG751-180B Constant temperature and humidity box
YG751-180B Constant temperature and humidity box

Samples of the product for all kinds of textiles materials, temperature and humidity balance in advance of the experiment. Incubation also means bacteria, mold, microbial culture and breeding trials, can be widely used for water body analysis, BOD determination, bio-medicine, health and epidemic prevention, agriculture, forestry, science, environmental protection, blood products, drug store and other departments, especially suitable for sensitive organisms precision Training.
Main Specifications
1, the volume of 180 liters
2, temperature range of 5 to 60 degrees when humidity of 10 to 50 degrees
3, the temperature fluctuation of the HPX-180B less than ± 0.3 degrees when heated, HPX-250B less than ± 0.5 degrees cooling
4, the temperature uniformity of less than ± 1 ° HPX-180B heating, HPX-250B less than ± 1.5 ° Cooling
5, humidity range 40 ~ 95% RH
6, less than ± 1% RH humidity fluctuations HPX-180B humidification, dehumidification when HPX-250B less than ± 5% R
H 7, compressor power 165W
8, heating power 150W
9, the power source 22
0V 50Hz 10, 440 studio size
× 400 × 1125 (mm) 11, three loading shelf
